Social media Mastermind for Accounting Firms

Learn How To Do Social Media Right

4-Week Mastermind Starting Monday, Nov 21st.

  • Spend Less Time

    while posting more often

  • Know What to Post

    every time you sit down to work on it

  • Grow Your Firm

    by creating posts that contribute to revenue

Most accounting firms spend too much time and accomplish very little on social media

Social media is one of the best ways to build awareness for your business if it's done right

Creating social media content is hard:

  • It’s hard to be consistent.
  • It’s hard to come up with stuff to post.
  • It’s hard to get people to see it.

A lot of Accounting Firms randomly post on Social Media, without knowing if it will actually produce any results for the business. At the end of the day, they are wasting time and energy on efforts that are a net loss because they lack an effective framework.

Shooting in the dark is not going to tap into the benefits that social media offers your business. You need a plan.

That’s why we are
starting this Mastermind.

Matt Banker and Annie Schiffmann are starting the Social Media Mastermind for anyone doing social media for an accounting or payroll firm. 

Matt Headshot Sept 2021

Annie has developed the PAGER framework for social media. It’s a model that anyone can use to consistently generate the right kind of social media content to grow your business.

Matt understands the business of accounting firms through his work as a marketing strategist and fractional CMO for half a dozen accounting firms.


That’s why we are
starting this Mastermind.

Matt Banker and Annie Schiffmann are starting the Social Media Mastermind for anyone doing social media for an accounting or payroll firm. 


Annie has developed the PAGER framework for social media. It’s a model that anyone can use to consistently generate the right kind of social media content to grow your business.


Matt Headshot Sept 2021

Matt understands the business of accounting firms through his work as a marketing strategist and fractional CMO for half a dozen accounting firms.

Next Steps Plan

(that actually works)
  • 1

    Sign Up

    For the 4-week Mastermind
    $500 - Starting Nov. 21st

  • 2

    The Conversation

    Join the weekly training/coaching calls to get the skills you need

  • 3

    Your Accounts

    Turn your firm’s social media accounts into a net positive

what do you want to post

About The Mastermind

(the details)

After filling out the form below, you will get an invitation to join our private Slack Channel, where we will be sharing event info and hosting our between-session discussions.

Each week, we will be hosting a 1-hr live Zoom meeting where we will go over everything you need to do in order to incoporate the PAGER model into your marketing plan. Heads up! You will be given homework every week. Completing your homework is essential for getting the most out of your time with us.

After the 4 weeks, stay connected to the community you built and continue to encourage each other one, share successes and failures, and generally support each other's efforts.

Join the Mastermind