Marketing Support for the DIYers

Done-With-You Marketing

Marketing is expensive.

And when you're a small firm you don't have a lot of money to throw at your problems, so you have to spend time (yours, or the time of others at your firm).

Who should be doing your marketing?

If you have less that 5 people on your team, the firm owner is almost always the one responsible for sales and marketing.

Once you reach 8-10 people on your team, the responsibility for marketing should be given to someone else. An admin or office manager can often wear the part-time marketer hat.

Once you reach $3m in annual revenue, you should consider creating a full-time marketer role in your firm.

Our done-with-you marketing track is designed to support accounting firms in each of these situations. Here are the costs associated with this track:


Start with a Free

Discovery Call

The first step is a 30-minute introduction call.

We get to know you, learn about your firm and your in-house resources and help you determine if the “done-with-you” path is right for your firm.

We will answer any questions you have and what you can expect when working with us and participating in the Mastermind.


Next Up

Mastermind Group

Marketing Mastermind Group


First Year

Our mastermind is a weekly coaching & peer group designed to coach and build the marketing skills of whoever wears the marketing hat at your firm. Including:

  • 40-week curriculum
  • Weekly group coaching calls
  • Community of peers and private Slack channel
  • Quarterly strategy calls with the firm owner
  • Asset library of marketing templates


One-on-One Coaching

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Marketing Department Organization and Hiring Support

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And Finally

Marketing Production & Promotion Support

Even with an in-house marketing person, some things are still better to outsource. That's why we have developed these standalone services, courses and resources to support the marketing work by members of the Mastermind group.

WordPress Templates

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Installation & Setup Included


Write Your Website
Guided Course

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8-Week Course



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Customization & Buildout


Local SEO

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Starting at:


Google Ads

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Starting at:


Marketing Automation Support

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Starting at:


Ready to chat?

Let's set up a free discovery call so we can answer the rest of your questions.

If you prefer to mostly throw money, rather than time, at your marketing problems check out our Done-FOR-You Services and see if that's a better fit for what you need.