Here's What You Get
In this 1-Hour Check-up Call
Marketing Audit
Get feedback on how strong your website, social media, SEO, etc. really are.
Cost of Acquisition Target
Learn what should be considered a reasonable cost for you to acquire new clients through marketing based on your fee structure.
ROI Calculation
Understand how to calculate if your current marketing is worth the cost and if you're spending on the right things.
Recommended Marketing Budget
Get an idea of what your marketing budget needs to be in order to reach your revenue/new business goals.
Next Steps for Marketing
Get a list of recommended tactics to focus on in the next 12 months to improve your marketing.
Watch this video to see what it looks like
How does it work?
When you click on the link below you'll be asked for 3 things:
Choose a Time
Pick a time that works for you from the calendar and schedule your Marketing Health Check-Up.
Complete Pre-Call Survey
Fill out all of the survey questions as completely as possible. This will allow us to move quickly through the diagnostics and spend more time on questions and recommendations.
Pay Your Fee
You pay for your Check-Up at the time of scheduling. If you need to reschedule, just reply to the invite and we will happily find another time that works for you.
What does it cost?
If you have any questions, email: